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What makes Dexfuxion trustworthy?
Dexfuxion is a cryptocurrency exchange. We have successfully served hundreds of clients and continue to offer over 5,000 users each month speedy cryptocurrency-to-crypto exchanges and purchases. To improve the performance of our cryptocurrency exchange, we work with the top businesses in the sector. For assistance with any exchange-related queries that may come up, our committed Support staff is on duty around-the-clock.
How do I exchange cryptocurrencies?
Dexfuxion lets you exchange cryptocurrency in a fast and secure way. Just sign up for a new account on Dexfuxion.com, send the crypto you wish to exchange to your Dexfuxion wallet. Choose the cryptocurrency you would like to exchange, and click the "Start OTC" button OR join an existing OTC exchange with a counterparty and by entering the exchange ID. Afterward, complete the exchange and have the exchanged coin deposit to your Dexfuxion wallet. After withdrawal, In several minutes, the exchanged coins will arrive in your wallet.
What cryptocurrencies are supported?
We support over 100 cryptocurrencies that are available for instant crypto exchange and purchase at the best execution prices. Since the crypto market is developing rapidly, we are continually building up the list of crypto assets so you can exchange, sell, and buy new digital currencies within minutes o our OTC system. Exchange and buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), and a wide variety of other crypto assets.
How long does it take to receive my crypto?
After successful exchange, on withdrawal, a crypto money exchange takes around 10-40 minutes. However, a cryptocurrency exchange might take more time should there be congestion within a particular blockchain.
How can I contact the support?
You can contact us at any time via the Live chat below. Both the Support team and the Dexfuxion digital currency exchange work 24/7 and will be glad to help. You can also send us an email at support@Dexfuxion.com.
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